XL STAUROLITE - RUSSIA 13.5 x 10 x 3.5 cm

€ 125,00

Keivy Mountains, Lovozersky District, Murmansk Oblast, Russia

Brown cruciform doubly terminated staurolite twins on sparkling muscovite schist. Staurolite classically forms crosses and "x"es but this is an unusually thick example. The twins go through the entire specimen, so can be seen clearly from both sides. Some of the best examples of the species extant. Classic penetration twin and a single crystal, and to find both together makes for an unusual and aesthetic specimen! This quality is not often offered.

Staurolite crystals simulating the typical 60° Saint Andrew's cross embedded in golden to silvery mica schist. 

Can be displayed in multiple positions.

Bought straight from the source.